Our Journey

A timeline of MK Stationery

Family Wedding

While planning a family member's wedding, I felt that there is a gap in the New Zealand wedding industry. The bride wanted custom wedding invitations that reflected her and her fiancé's style and their budget. Not just an invitation template to fill in all the details. This is something we really struggled to find.

Dec, 2019

MK Invitations launch

I realised that other engaged couples are probably in the same boat as our family friend. Therefore, after weeks of researching high quality paper suppliers, local printing partners and design softwares, I launched MK Invitations!

Feb, 2020

Covid Lockdown

Less than a month later, New Zealand went into Covid lockdown. During this time, we connected with the wedding community and provided over 100+ couples free postponement cards. These were couples we had never talked to before. Following this, MK grew bigger and bigger despite the challenges from Covid.

Mar, 2020

MK Team

Months went by and we started designing for small businesses and couples worldwide. We built a community of the BEST engaged couples and businesses. Brides and business owners are friends, and suppliers are practically family!

Jan, 2021

Introducing wax seals

We fell in love with wax seals and the way they add a beautiful touch to complete invitations and packaging goods. We researched again, found reliable suppliers and launched wax seals - pre made and customisable.

View now Feb, 2021

Covid Lockdown 2.0

Auckland is in lockdown again. But the support from the MK team is stronger than ever. We are shipping wax seal orders to craft lovers and small businesses to countries we never thought we would reach. Some of the places we have shipped to include Belgium, South Africa, Spain, Canada and UK. I am working in my dream business, and absolutely speechless with how far we have come... but we are not done yet...

Oct, 2021

Welcoming 2022

Early 2022, have introduced custom embossers to our product line up which has been so successful for engaged couples and small businesses embossing their logo. Click 'View now' to see more details and purchase. On the other hand, we are extremely busy designing wedding invitations and save the dates for our couples. Thank you for keeping us so busy every month of the year!

View now March, 2022